Monday, December 20, 2010

2010 in a big ole nutshell

Well, everyone sends those "Year In Review" letters with their Christmas cards, so here's mine...with a little spice. 

Who am I kidding. I can't remember what has happened this year. It's Olivia's 2nd Christmas and Emma's 6th or 7th. I thought we made our move to Alabama this year, but that was so 2009.

To be completely, partially honest, I'm not feeling that Christmasy this year. It's 60 degrees here and I'm still yelling at Emma to put shoes on when she goes outside. We all know that I shouldn't be having that argument in December. As much as I hate the cold winters and snow, Christmas isn't Christmas without it. I don't even think Emma is into it. She doesn't want anything for Christmas because she has too much stuff. Seriously. She does not get that from me.

Speaking of Emma, I'm currently driving around in my little Honda with, "Emma's mom rocks" and a peace sign written on my window with a window crayon. It's a little embarrassing, and I feel quite soccer-mom-ish, but it's from Emma, and compliments to me don't come easy with her. So I'll take it.

Christmas is all about giving, and I love giving gifts. But this year, I can't stop buying for myself. Yesterday I bought myself a new purse and 2 pairs of sunglasses. I wore my sunglasses and as soon as I got home, Scott asked me about them. That F*&%er doesn't miss anything. The rest will be wrapped and awaiting my fake surprise Christmas morning. Look who's been a good girl! Scott will most definitely be surprised. Last week I bought myself some boots. I came home yesterday, smuggling in my newest gifts to myself and they were wrapped under the tree. A month ago I bought myself a lip gloss at Sephora. The one I wanted only came in a gift pack that cost $50. I bought it. Scott wrapped it. (Without the lip gloss)

Tis the season to think of our loved ones, family and friends. I miss my friends at home terribly. I love the relationships my girls have with my family here. And I have made some wonderful, wonderful friendships here. Really, I never thought I could even come close to my friends at home, but these chicks south of the Mason Dixon Line are quite a lot of fun. I also realize, however, that home is a feeling, not a location. It doesn't matter how nice it is.

You know the golden rule. If mama ain't happy, no one's happy.

Merry Christmas and Happy 2011.