Friday, January 7, 2011

New Year, Same Me

First of all, I need to apologize for my last post. I had too many thoughts going through my head and couldn't get it all out. Sometimes when I'm driving I make up a whole post in my head, and then when I'm home and have time to write, it doesn't come out the same. If only I could blog, drive, and text all at the same time. Oh, we would all be in quite a bit of trouble.

So, last week we were driving home the short 15 hours from Rockford. Scott asked me if I have any new year resolutions. I immediately answered no. He looked at me with a bit of disgust.

Me: "Fine. My new year resolution is to have sex less."
Him: "Well mine is to have sex more often."
Me: "Good luck finding someone for that."

January is a terrible time to start doing things differently. It's cold outside. People are less motivated than usual. And most people want to work out more. Which sucks for me because that increases my Zumba class from 150 people to 250 people. However, that dies off by mid February so my point is proven.

The other, more reasonable resolution Scott had was to be nicer to each other. I think this was a cheap ploy to get me to fulfill his first resolution. I agreed to this resolution, but truthfully, being nice is boring. Being honest is much more fun. Especially when it's not appropriate to be. I'll stick with my first answer.