I've been thinking about my outlook on things lately. I wonder if I'm a little too chill...relaxed...laid back...however you want to call it. I don't have strong feelings about very much in life. I find that when a choice is put upon me, I typically don't have feelings either way and find myself saying, "It really doesn't matter to me." And the truth is, it doesn't. But I wonder if I'm losing interest in things or if I am just finding that the small things really don't matter and aren't worth too much effort.
I hope it's the latter.

There are some things I am passionate about. I am passionate about everyone having their own right and free will to do or believe what they want. I take on a very liberal viewpoint, but when done constructively, and not attacking-ly, I like hearing the other side. Recently, I have had strong feelings about this...politics...or, rather, the lack thereof. I am so sick of hearing Republicans blame Democrats for everything and vice versa. I feel that the parties are "un"uniting the people. Americans feel so strongly about their political affiliation that it causes anger and more importantly, DIVISION. What if everyone quit their political party and felt as strongly about creating a united country as they do their favorite television "news" station. What if everyone stopped blaming the President for every single thing that happens in this country and instead, trust that he has our best interest in mind and is doing the best he can to take care of our country. What if the shock jocks spent more time constructing a dialogue about supporting the President instead of tearing him down because what good does talking about his approval rating do anyway?
I respect that people have different opinions and points of view. I really just don't like when it causes a heap of negativity.
I want what's best for everyone, and deep down, isn't that really what most people want.
I just want peace, man.
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