Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Weekend Warrior

I spent this past weekend in the beautiful, 75 degree FALL weather, away from the 95 degree fake Alabama Fall weather.With no kids and no husband.  

Going to Northern Illinois in the Fall is tricky. It makes you think really wonderful things about the Midwest. All of a sudden I forgot about the -20 degree winters. And I forgot about the short summers. But that's what Fall does. It makes you like the Midwest.

I had a great weekend with friends and family. We started the weekend right away. Friday night we went to the Rockford Market. If you live in Rockford and haven't gone yet, you're missing out. Finally, they are making something out of the downtown, and for once, I felt like Rockford actually may be doing something right. Saturday I visited with my cousins and aunts, and I realize now why my 31 week pregnant with twins cousin is on bed rest. After 4 hours of visiting, we were all shouting over each other and at each other. All in love, of course. Saturday night friends and I went to the Cubs/Brewers game in Milwaukee, which I'm pretty sure that collectively, the 9 of us girls, probably saw about 5 minutes of the game. Holy commotion. Sunday I attended my friend's wedding in Chicago. It was a beautiful day and again, made me miss home. Boo. Hoo.

So I was driving home from the airport Monday night, appreciating Alabama's 70 mph speed limit when I remembered that I have a parking ticket in Chicago from when I was there in June. I received a parking ticket on Lake Shore for parking in a no parking zone during rush hour. I contested it (of course) because it was Memorial Day! There is no rush hour on Memorial Day! So I contested it and forgot about it...until two days ago. I never heard back from anyone. Does this mean I am in the clear? Or am I wanted in Chicago? Here's the problem. I have a teensy weensy flash of memory of receiving a letter regarding a ticket I contested and yelling to Scott, "I won! I won!" I can't remember if that was from this ticket or if it was another ticket I had contested for not having a front license plate when I was parked outside the Chicago Diner.

No wonder people don't drive in the city. So many rules.

1 comment:

  1. Screw Chicago if they cant take a joke...dont pay the ticket... (A. Mumm)
