Sunday, September 27, 2009

The VMA's

Okay. Listen up. I've been without internet for awhile, and although I could have gotten online at the library, parents' house, etc, I haven't. I took a somewhat forced break. I've painted my ass off, cooked my ass back on, and gone to bed before 10pm. I've weathered some ups and downs, but I'm back and I have a lot to say. I just hope I can get it all out of my order.
Rewind to two weeks ago. The VMA's. Pink and Shakira show up in the same dress. What designer puts two celebrities in the SAME dress on the SAME night for a HUGE event such as the VMA's? Secondly, what designer is stupid enough to risk pissing off Pink??  Big mistake putting 2 celebs in the same dress. I can't get over it. And it has been two weeks.
Speaking of fashion, what. the. hell was up with Lady Gaga? I can't begin to understand her message, her artistry, whatever...  She looked ridiculous. She acted like a freak. And it was super awkward watching her flirt with Kermit the Frog. And then she took the stage. Fake blood (I think), hanging herself (I wished), and shouting something about the paparazzi (I've never seen her in the tabloids once).  Her costumes were as disturbing and I would have been super pissed if I had to sit behind her. Then appears Perez Hilton behind her and I thought, "Perfect", as he stood there in his own clown suit.
Back to Pink. I love her. Love, love, love, love, love her. For a minute I thought maybe she was lip syncing, because who can sing upside down, doing a trapeze act? Pink can, that's who. Oh and I'm so glad she's back with Carey Hart.
Can those loser Jackson brothers, their scumbag father, and sister LaToya make anymore appearances? LaToya actually guest hosted on The View! How much more obvious can it be that they're monopolizing over Michael's death. Gross. I loved the tribute to him and understand their presence in that way, but they are looking more for an opportunity than a nod of sympathy. Jermaine was at Dancing with the Stars with Marie Osmond! Ew...those yucky people!  Poor Janet. She seems to be the only Jackson with a life. And a heart.
Obviously, Kanye West made an ass out of himself. Again. The media went crazy over it and while I absolutely think he was way out of line, he was not out of character. So was it really a shock? Not really. Poor Taylor Swift. That 6 ft, ostrich looking girl had her moment ripped from her hands. As if she's not awkward enough, she stood there trying to speak into the mic, but the sound was off by then (a little late), and then she didn't know what to do. What a stinking jerk, that Kanye West.
I will admit that I cried when Beyonce gave her her moment back, but I always cry at these awards shows.

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