Friday, October 9, 2009

It's My Show And I'll Have Sex With Whoever I Want

Why are we still talking about David Letterman having sex with his staff? Who in the hell cares about this? And who HASN'T had sex with their employer???


Still. Who cares.


  1. Jen! I'm a follower! Not only of Jesus Christ, but now my holier than thou friend Jen Leathers! Woo hoo! I have arrived. I feel complete. I feel whole. I am high on life.

    Now you will know it is I, your one and only true friend who will tell you to F#$* off when necessary, but mostly how much I love you, adore you, and miss you. :0)

    Now I'm tempted to start my own.

  2. Au contraire. I am the one who is now complete!

  3. I hope the hell you have not had sex with ANYONE from JWC... ANYONE haha
