Tuesday, October 13, 2009

You might be a redneck when....

So last night I sat down with Emma to work on her homework. In it, she had to illustrate something that rhymes with "sun", so she drew a picture of a bun. Then, she had to illustrate something that rhymes with "star". I was thinking "car" would be the accurate and appropriate word. Then the phone rang, and it's my brother who is only calling to harass me. I become super annoyed, and am also trying to look at what Emma is drawing so I ask, "What is that?"
"It's a bar."
"A bar?"
"Oh okay."...thinking it's a bar like a straight line, which is what's on the paper.
Then there are little things on top of the bar.
"Todd, do you want something? I gotta go. Emma, what's on top of the bar?"
"Drinks and food."

Ohhhhhh. Darn it.

That's exactly what I was hoping not to happen.

I hope her teacher has a good sense of humor.

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