Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Budgets are not for the weak...

I'm out of my personal money for the week. I know it's only Wednesday. I actually went for broke yesterday.

I haven't even gone to Zumba this week...(and definitely won't be going tomorrow). I found a small, free strength training class, which I attended yesterday. I was way out of my league. Especially when they grabbed a Bible and started to pray at the end. I started standing up, and heard, "Let's pray."
"OH! Okay!"
I sat back down and bowed my head and crossed my fingers. Is this how people pray still? 
Walking down the stairs to leave proved to be an even bigger challenge than the praying. No wonder they pray after the workout. My legs felt like cooked spaghetti and I feared tumbling my way down. I'll pray next time, too...that I can walk after the class. 

Anyway, I used the debit card yesterday. Scott acted like I ran over the dog. 

It caused a big fight and I really dislike him. A lot.

I think this budget may cause a divorce. And I'm actually okay with that...especially if it means I don't have to live on a budget anymore. And live with him. Because he's really ugly.


  1. You are too funny! How are you out of money already? You just got it last Friday? This is Kim, btw!

  2. Get it out girl. Why can't anyone just acknowledge that we simply have more NEEDS. We just do.

  3. Ha! thats to funny you on a budget.. Did your prayers come true??

  4. I didn't actually pray... I'm no religious buff, but I'm pretty sure prayers are not like wishes...
    I do believe I should get more than him though. I don't even think he's spending his money. What a weirdo.
    Kim, because saving money is hard!
