Sunday, February 28, 2010


Telling yourself NOT to do something makes you want it more. It has to be a scientific fact.

I did a sugar cleanse. The first day went well, except in my attempt to avoid sugar, I ate everything else. The second day was a bit more challenging. That evening I ate my weight in rice krispie treats.It has been a slippery slope ever since.

I started a budget. I did great for the first 2 weeks...I got the money a little mixed up at times, but I didn't use the debit card and that was the goal. The details are only minor. I started to slip a little in the third week, but still did okay. Last week I completely blew it. I'm still struggling to get my ass back up and on the wagon of savings. I actually just pulled myself away from online shopping to blog. I had to do something.

I wonder if someone gave me a whole bunch of money if I would not want to spend it OR if I would splurge. When I have money and set out on a mission to find something, it's never there. When I don't have money and I am not looking, these all of a sudden must haves pop up right in my face...nearly screaming at me to buy them. Besides that, I have goals in my mind of things I want. So I buy the things NOT on my mental list, and then have guilt about still not getting the goal items with this week's budgeted money. Or a friend calls and wants to do lunch.  So I end up eating my money and that really pisses me off. Because then I have nothing. Physically. Which is really what's important right now.

I'm obsessed with things I can't have. The good news is that when I get them, the pride usually overrides the guilt. Until I realize I have to wait another week to get the goal items. When it comes to eating, I don't usually eat poorly so I can get over it rather quickly. I just wish I could live on water and vegetables.

Britney Spears gets $1500 a week. That sounds more doable.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel. I want dope when I don't have it, and want sobriety when I'm stoned. I fancy girls who hate me. When I need to work, there's a million things i wish I was doing, when I have time off I'm bored....

    I know its psychological, but I think this effects some people more than others. Only three people on the whole internet have written "obsessed with things I cant have".
